Our focus areas
At the Computational Social Science Lab (CSSL), we use online experiments, digital trace data, computational models and machine learning to study socio-technical systems. Our research typically revolves around the following topics.
- Artificial intelligence
- Collective intelligence
- Civic technology
- Computer-supported cooperative work
- Cybersecurity
- Digital democracy
- Human-computer interaction
- Learning analytics
- Misinformation & disinformation
- Personalization
- Recommender systems
- Social media
How large language models can reshape collective intelligence
New paper led by CSSL co-lead Jason Burton published in Nature Human Behaviour.
Augmenting research methods with foundation models and generative AI
New paper by CBS alumnus, Sippo Rossi, and CSSL co-lead, Raghava Rao Mukkamala published in International Journal of Information Management.
How to control user private data access in mixed reality platforms using blockchain
New paper by CSSL faculty Somnath Mazumdar, Abid Hussain, and Raghava Rao Mukkamala presented at HICSS 2024.